• Harley Redin

Flying Queen


I am Betty Marie Scott and I was born in Tonkawa, Oklahoma, a small rural town in northern Oklahoma on April 19, 1941 to Murray and Theda Scott. I had 2 sisters and 2 brothers. We lived on a farm one and a half miles west of Tonkawa. Since my sister and I were the oldest, we worked on the farm plowing, combining, hauling hay, milking cows, and all the other chores that needed to be done when you lived on a farm. I graduated from Tonkawa High School in 1959 where I was co-salutatorian of my senior class. I loved basketball and track and excelled in both.

One of my main goals while growing up was to get a basketball scholarship to college, which was pretty much non-existent in those days. I found that opportunity at Wayland Baptist College with the Flying Queens. My high school coach’s parents were from Plainview, so during Christmas break of my senior year, I went with my coach and his family to Plainview to meet Coach Redin and do an individual try-out. Since I lived in Oklahoma, he had not seen me play. After that try-out, Coach Redin offered me a scholarship to play for the Flying Queens. I was ecstatic. I did return to Plainview that April for the formal try-outs in order to meet some of the players who I would be playing with in the fall.

My mother, little brother and I drove over 400 miles to bring me to Wayland. I moved into Mayes Hall. My roommate was another freshman Queen, Rose Mary Jones from Trent, Texas. There were 6 of us who received scholarships that year including Laura Switzer, Glena Masten, Margie Quinn, Barbara Ransom, Rose Mary, and myself. I was so excited for the experience, but very homesick. I had never really been that far from home for an extended period of time. I remember Claude and Wilda being so supportive and kind. They had us over to their house often to swim and eat ice cream. The older queens were terrific in that they showed us the ropes. Carolyn Miller and Katherine Washington were Rose Mary’s and my big sisters. They saw to it that we always wore our beanie and did what they said. It was pretty shocking to find out that this renowned women’s basketball team had an old, cracker box gym to practice in and then had to played their games in the local high school gym.

The dorm life at Wayland was so fun. Leaving Mays Hall and moving into Owen Hall, a brand new facility was exciting. We had to walk across campus to get to the dining hall (Slaughter Center) in all kinds of weather including rain, snow and dust storms. During dust storms we had to sweep at least 2 inches of dust off the court before we could practice. Chapel was a memorable experience. Everyone on campus stopped what they were doing and went to chapel 3 days a week. We had assigned seats that were monitored every day. We had some good programs and speakers, but sometimes we took a quick nap, and sometimes we studied but only if you were in the back of the chapel. I always sat next to Clarence Scott because he had the same last name as mine. He was an African American who lived in Oklahoma as I did. We became great friends over our four years at Wayland.

As a Flying Queen we flew to all of our games. We hardly missed class, because we would leave Friday and return on Sunday. Some of the highlights included winning the National AAU Free Throw Co- Championship in 1960 as a freshman. In 1961 we won the National Championship in St Joseph and I was selected as a member of the United States Basketball Russian Tour. We won five games and lost five games while in Russia. We played in four Russian cities including on an outdoor court in Tbilisi. Twice I was selected AAU All-American. I gave one of my all American gold balls to my old high school coach who had gotten me started in basketball and helped me to believe in myself. In 1963, along with two of my teammates, I was selected as a member of the Pan American Basketball team. The games were held in San Paulo, Brazil. We won the gold medal.

My experience at Wayland was life changing. I got to go to a small Christian college where you knew most of the students and faculty on campus, fulfill my goal of playing basketball in college, travel nationally as well as internationally, and meet lifelong friends, and oh the many, many memories. It was a very humbling and eye opening time in my life that I would not ever change. I had the best coach in the country, amazing sponsors, excellent teachers and professors, and along with my much loved parents, family, friends, and my faith in God, all have helped me to become the person I am today. I graduated from Wayland in 1963 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health/Physical Education. I still keep in contact with my six teammates at Wayland: Rose Mary Jones, Laura Switzer, Glena Masten, Margie Quinn, and Barbara Ransom (deceased a couple of months ago). We all get together at times and remain like sisters. Coach Redin and Wilda and other former Queens have always been like family. I am still in touch with Douglas Clark, a faculty member who just turned 100 in August.

In 1964, I married Chuck Edgley. He was a student at Wayland and a reporter for the Plainview Herald. My roommate and I were both Methodist at a Baptist College, so he wrote an article about our adaptation in our new environment. I think he got $50 and a wife out of the article. We later divorced in 1987. We have two daughters, Erin and Aimee, who are 47 and 42 respectively. Erin is dental hygienist and husband Eric is a sales rep for Oakley Glasses. Aimee is a flight attendant for American Airlines and husband Wade is a sales manager for DFW Mechanical. I now have five grandchildren, Gabe, Grace, Grant, Chloe and Luke, ages 12-21. I also have a 12-year old Bichon/poodle named Sophie. My children and grandchildren have been the highlight of my life. Two years ago, we were all able to take a trip to Hawaii. Receiving many blessings each and every day throughout my life has also been a highlight. I thank God for these and for my precious family.

After graduating from Wayland, I taught Health and Physical Education in the public schools in Oklahoma, Texas, and New York. I was an instructor at Oklahoma Baptist University, and a graduate assistant at the University of Oklahoma. In 1970, I received my Masters of Education degree from the University of Oklahoma. In 1975, I accepted a graduate assistantship and the first women’s tennis coaching position at Oklahoma State University. In 1977, I completed my Doctor of Education from Oklahoma State University and continued teaching and coaching at OSU. While at OSU, I received many teaching awards including the OSU Regents Distinguished Teaching Award. I became the Associate School Head in the School of Applied Health and Educational Psychology, and in 1997 was promoted to Full Professor. I taught in education for almost 40 years with 27 of those years as a professor of Health Promotion at Oklahoma State University. I retired from Oklahoma State University in 2005. Since retirement, I spend time with family, friends, and volunteer at my church and in the community as well as work in my yard. I play golf every day and still jog. I think my Wayland friends and teammates would be surprised to know that I have run approximately 20 marathons including Boston and New York all after the age of 35. I was selected to carry the Olympic torch when it traveled through Oklahoma on its way to the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, GA.

If I had a chance to talk with the current Wayland Queens to share what I learned through playing basketball, I would tell them I learned teamwork, discipline, how to win and how to lose. I learned work ethic, leadership, and confidence. I learned problem solving, and I learned how to take instructions. Basically I learned many of the lessons you need in life. Beyond lessons learned from playing basketball, I would tell them to enjoy each and every day to the fullest. Be humble, be kind and make the best of your God-given talents. Count your blessings every day and thank those who helped you to get where you are today.

I look forward to reconnecting with former Queens and supporters!

Betty Scott Edgley

Wayland Grad 1963

Flying Queen Forever!